8 Apr 2014

Goodbye Steel, Hello Wood! - bikes made out of things other than metal

So this morning I'm doing my usual flick through the old interweb, and I came across this post from Boske for a laminated wooden and recycled aluminium bike. Which is also a self assembled flat-pack kit. It's all very IKEA, but it looks like it could be gorgeous.

But this in turn got me thinking about the other amazing bikes that have been made out of items other  steel, aluminium or carbon. As you'd imagine, it's not the most extensive list, but heck, here we go on the world's smallest round up.

1 - The Cardboard Bike

Izhar is a guy with a passion. And he's a little bit nuts. He wants to build a bike out of cardboard, including a cardboard drive-train and cardboard guys. Spoiler alert: he only blooming achieves it, and the final bike is an epic testament to his dedication.

2 - The Wooden Bike

This project should really be renamed 'Two Men, One Shed', but it shows bonkers British eccentricity at it's best - a bike made from wood, which is both beautiful and fast!

3 - The Bamboo Bike

Heck, these things are three a penny now, there's even a host of Instructables up in case you want to have a crack at making your own. Or, you could just go to HERObike, and buy one of their kits... It might make a pretty good rainy day project. 

So what do you think the future of bonkers bike builders have up their sleeves? Will we live to see the day bikes are made out of recycled plastics, paper, maybe even upcycled car parts?! Heck, who knows, but as long as people are riding bikes it doesn't matter what they are made from! 

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