20 Apr 2014

Cycling in Innsbruck (or how I almost got knocked off my bike, headbutting a bee)

I'm celebrating Easter in Austria. Which is slightly odd. Back in England I would have cranked up my blood sugar devouring Cream Eggs, and then gone about my day. 

However, Austria being a catholic country, means it goes bat shit crazy for Jesus, and bunnies and eggs. I've eaten my body weight in Jesus hard boiled, brightly colored eggs and wash it down with copious amounts of strong continental lager over the past few days. My blood has been replaced by liquid Milka and I've decapted a farm full of Lindt bunnies and hens. 

Needless to say, today I need to get on the bike, and get that chocolate circulatory system aworkin'.

Cycling in Tirol, one of the regions of Austria, is crazy easy. There are copious amounts of well designed and wonderfully executed bike paths. They are all signposted really well, whether they are segregated or road side. The lanes are always given priority at lights and dangerous junctions. It really is a revelation. 

What's also pretty awesome are the things you find along the way, like this tool station which operates on trust. You don't pay, but simply put the tools back when you are done. And if you need a new tube for your 'rad-service', well look no further than the vending machines along the way. 

Without really realising I cycled 30km along the river Inn today, making the most if these excellent faculties. The only incident came from a bee who decided to head butt me when I was traveling at 25kmh. Bam, right in the eye, causing a bit of temporary blindness and almost throwing me from my bike. I didn't mind. I was just happy to be out and riding. 

I wasn't the only one. In fact families, Lycra louts and normal people we're whizzing up and down the riverside route. Makes you think doesn't it? If every town priorities cycle paths, how many people would benefit?

Atomkraft? Nein danke. More cycle paths like this? Ja bitte!

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