30 Mar 2014

Cycling around Lake Geneva - early morning adventures...

So this morning I got rudely awoken by the guy downstairs. He was playing drum and bass before 6am for the second time this week. Now don't get my wrong, I love drum and bass, but it's no fun when you didn't get invited to the party. Yesterday I grumped out, and jumped about a bit. Today, I got on my bike.

Before dawn had broken, I was whizzing along the shore of Lake Geneva, passed a wobbly couple with a champagne bottle in hand and a few more 'all-nighters'. It was amazing... but it also got me thinking - it's only 123 days until I'm planning to cycle around the whole of Lake Geneva. In one day. 

Better start training then eh?! Over the next couple of days I plan to write up a proper training plan, so check back fellow crazy people. 

15km before breakfast...
...and back in time for dawn

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