30 Oct 2012

Wheely exciting things are here...

So before I've even scanned in the plans for the bike trailer (which you might be happy to hear are finished) I thought I would update with my latest purchase - wheels.

I was umming and ahhing about whether to get wheels from a donor bike, but in the end decided against it. In that case there is an awful lot of wastage. I am not planning on making anything from the bike frame, and I can't really be faffed putting it all up on eBay or Gumtree etc. In reality I would either leave it in the garage until the missus got so annoyed she took it down the dump, or I would take it down the dump. I didn't want to be that person so I opted to buy some wheels which had never seen a bike.

On eBay there was a seller who had lots of bankrupt and surplus stock, and they were selling it off at really goo prices. With postage and everything included I got my natty wheels for £20. You can visit their shop here.

The wheels are 16in, which are perfect trailer size. The lower the trailer is to the ground, the lower the centre of gravity. This is good because it will in theory make the bike trailer more stable. 

And the best thing about these wheels is that I was able to purchase two front wheels. This means they don't have the gears intact or have different length axels. It just makes things a little bit easier.

Anyway here are the beauties...

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