8 Apr 2014

Left of the Lake - how to train for a 180km bike ride...

I'm planning on cycling 180km around Lake Geneva for my birthday. You can read more about this here.

But if you fancy coming along, or you have your own crazy 180km bike ride to plan for, then here is a training plan that I've put together. 

I've pooled some resources from various publications and the advice of an actual real-life professional, to give a realistic plan that will take you from 10km to 180km in 17 weeks. If you are already able cycle further, then come in later in the plan, progress in weekly increments to Week 4, and then stay there until the middle of July. This'll build up your endurance and consequently your speed. 

The plan works on the idea that you take a short ride on Monday or Tuesday, a slightly longer ride on Wednesday or Thursday, and a massive ride at the weekend. Work out your days so that you have at least one rest day between rides, and also make sure you eat right or this will be horrible. Remember, it's supposed to be fun. 

Anyway, here is the plan... 

If you want a PDF copy of the plan or you have any questions, then drop me a line.

See you in August! 

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