13 Sept 2013

The Bicycle Astronomer!

I don't know if you know, partly because I am not sure anyone reads this, but I am moving to Switzerland very soon. This got me thinking about bikes in Geneva and any cool groups I might want to join. Cue a Google search, finding this dude - The Bicycle Astronomer.

He is called Doug Reilly, and he is a fricking legend. So the deal is, on his Yuba Mundo bike, he travels the Geneva area dishing out free star parties where people are given the chance to stare up into constellations, and find out more about the night sky.
Along the way he hopes to teach people more about the power of astronomy, and of cargo bikes.

I think I love him.

I was like "sign me up, I want to go to a star party" which is where I find out he isn't in Geneva, CH, but more like Geneva, NY. Bottoms.

Anyway, even if I can't attend one of his gatherings, it's got me thinking about the power of bicycles and how they can be used as a force for change. I'm brain storming some pretty wacky ideas at the moment, but as soon as I am settle on an idea (as brilliant and bizarre as Doug's) I am gong to get all over it!

Watch this space, for a crazy, amazing, and wonderful use of a bike. In the meantime, check out more about Bike Astronomy here.

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