5 Mar 2014

Things To Do With Used Bicycle Tyres and Inner Tubes

Today I went for wander around Lake Geneva, with a friend who will remain nameless because he's pulling a sicky from work. Let's call him Bob.

So Bob and I wandered around town, talking mostly about bees (his passion) and bikes (mine). Eventually we ended up on the right bank of the lake, and stumbled onto the Baby Plage

In the trees surrounding the beach there were loads of vines and ropes hanging off the branches, some fashioned into seats or swings. On closer inspection we realised they were all made from bicycle tyres. 

So this random recycled playground got me thinking, what can you do with a used bicycle tyres and inner tubes, save sending them to landfill? 

1 - Make wallets and belts. Or alternatively buy them off someone who already does it. 

2 - Make tyre swings. A traditional and favorite use of used car tyres, but it can be used with bicycle tyres. Heck, go one better, make hammocks and climbing frames and ladders. The sky is the limit.

3 - Make elastic bands. An inner tube can be cut into tiny pieces, and make hundreds of elastic bands. Small, simple but very helpful. 

4 - Bike protector strips. Sometimes you need a bit of coverage for your bike. An old tyre or inner tube can protect a top tube, or a bottom tube, or a chain stay for that matter. Or alternatively you can use them to hide your nice bike, when parking it in dubious areas, only to remove them when you leave the dodgy places. 

5 - Make some soft furnishings. Yeah, seriously. Make a rug. Weave it, rag rug it, just do it. 

Anyway. Recycle. Up cycle. Just cycle (and then make stuff out of the tyres and inner tubes you use).

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