13 Mar 2014

Geneva, where the Geneva International Car Show happens, but driving doesn't...

This week I've mostly been sat in traffic. True story. So you might have remembered that we sold our car and moved to Geneva. Well the Austrian went to Austria, and came back with a borrowed car. Initially it helped us move in [read: go to IKEA and by bookshelves].

Anyway, for a couple of days when we had guests, I ended up driving again. I was quickly reminded why this was stupid. Despite hosting an international car show, Geneva is shitawful for driving.  

We spent 1 hour traveling 1 mile, which is apparently quite fast in Genevian rush hour. Added to that, lights aren't sequenced to let more than one car go through at a time. It's hell.

But in true Swiss style, everyone participates with a smile on their face. I'm starting to think there is crack in the water.

Anyway, one hour, and no movement later, I realised that I don't want to drive a car in Geneva ever again. Which is ironic as this week aboutamillionbillionpeople have come to see the International Car Show thing. Which is of little or no interest to me. They put Ray Bans on a Sköda to celebrate. That tells you everything you need to know about the calibre of people that are visiting.

In fact why spend money to go and look at cars at a trade fair. Save money. Just go and stand on Rue de Lausanne on a Friday, around 6pm. You'll see plenty of tools in Porsches.


I hate cars. Buy a bike.

That is all.

And don't get me started on the objectifying of women...

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