3 Mar 2014

I went on a bike ride, and this is what I saw...

Today I ventured into the countryside around Geneva, where the border of France disappears behind some bloody big hills [read: the Alps]. 

The beauty of the area is striking, but what's really amazing is that you've only got to follow Route 50 out of Geneva for under 5km to find yourself in the middle of nowhere. It's as bizarre as cycling through Peckham and ending up in the Lake District. 

As ever, well signposted cycle routes take you out through gorgeous villages, rolling countryside, and oddly industrial underpasses as you criss-cross the main roads. The latter providing an opportunity for awesome cycle themed graffiti. 

Ignore the pipes, check out the paint! 
But the moral of the story is designated cycle paths encourage everyone to head out for an afternoon ride/commute/jaunt. Within 2km today I witnessed mothers and children, Lycra clad racers, bimbling tourers and BMX wielding teens. It was just a cold and grey Monday, nothing out of the ordinary. But people here have the infrastructure so they ride.

And it was bliss. Very cold bliss.

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