27 Feb 2015

Friday Feed Zone - Nak'd Bars

Whenever I venture out on my bike or for a long walk, I make sure I have some food in the bag. Sure, I'm often in an urban setting, but it's good to get in the habit of packing snacks just incase you choose to toddle off further afield.

I am also trying to be healthier than I might have been a few years back. Instead of packing a Mars bar, the residue of my quarter life crisis means that I'm more inclined to go for something sans e-numbers and chemical crap. 

Something I love to pack is a Nak'd bar. These are vegan friendly natural bars which are basically smooched together food. A combination of dates, cashews and berries are cold pressed (to retain nutrients) into tasty little morsels. 

The range is pretty diverse with flavours such as Rhubarb & Custard and Berry Blast, but my all time favourite is Cocoa Orange. 

The natural bars are easy on the stomach, pack an energy burst, and also can get squished at the bottom of your pack or in the back of your jersey and still taste pretty darn good. 

If you are so inclined you can order them for delivery throughout Europe by visiting their website - http://www.naturalbalancefoods.co.uk - but if, like me, you live in Switzerland, make a friend in France (no delivery here just yet). 

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