11 Dec 2013

TfL, which today could stand for That Foggy London. But doesn't.

Today Barclay's have announced that they are pulling funding on the Boris Bike scheme, which is fair enough. There is no official comment from Barclay's yet, but it's thought that it comes in a response to the recent cyclist deaths in London.

TfL have come out fighting, and immediately said it's nothing to do with the fact they are failing bike riders in the Capital. Doth they protest too much?!

Anyway, in other news I've spent the morning trying to find the Canary Wharf...

And the River Thames...

There's a river out there, somewhere...
This fog is ridiculous, but I'm not complaining. In less that 6 weeks I am going to be cycling in subzero Switzerland... brrrr-ing it on. 

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