28 May 2013

What do I want from my dream bicycle car?

I have spent the past couple of days in bed with a bad back, it has been excellent. I've spent loads of time researching and looking into quadricycles that already exist. 

Almost every day I go on eBay, and type in "quadricycle". It's a routine, and I live in hope of someone has read my mind, built a bicycle car and wants to sell it to me for peanuts. 

Normally there is nothing, not a sausage, but today there was a result. This crazy creation was on, for a not to crazy £180, starting bid.  

I was honestly very tempted, until an engineering friend pointed out that there would be a serious issue with weight, and drive chain. 

So then I just had a Google, for what's out there and what else is awesome. I stumbled across "Sociables". These are what recumbent trikes, placed side by side are called. They are pretty incredible. As are the price tags. A couple of thousand for just a frame set? I don't think so, thank you very much.

I then got a bit disheartened, and had a nap. After all there is very little else I can do at the moment. I woke up, and thought "why am I being restricted; this is likely to be the only vehicle I ever built from scratch. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX BAILEY!".

So I had another Google, and found this

I am in love. 

This has thrown up all kind of decisions - bicycle powered, solar powered, camper van, transport vehicle, everything. This will be amazing...

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