23 May 2013

Bedford Bambi versus a Bike...

So, I'd completely forgotten about this blog. Life has been very busy of late, what with a new job, planning to emigrate, getting married etc, but something appeared in the local rag to get me back on track.

Isn't she beautiful? This is basically a Bedford Bambi (my favorite camper van of all time), tacked on the back of a bicycle car. It was made by Andy Saunders, who clearly goes down in quadricycle history as a bit of a legend.

Although it seems to be a half-arse attempt (there are two steering wheels), and no gears to speak of, you have to give it to them, it's still pretty amazing.

It's made me think that my quadricycle needs to happen, and happen fast. I'm leaving the UK and moving to Geneva in October 2013. Wouldn't it be great if I could cycle there?

Keep checking this space - things are going to be moving very quickly from here on out...

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