6 Jan 2014

We put our car on eBay, and all I got was this awesome feeling

I have had a car since I can remember. We always had cars in our family, as the main mode of transport. In fact, one of my earliest memories is of being sat on the grass verge outside my childhood home, waiting for my mum to come home from a driving lesson.

I can remember every single car we had when I was growing up, and since passing my test at 19, I've owned three cars and a very dangerous camper van called Bean. Which was all kinds of awesome, but ended up looking like this...

So yeah, I get it, this is a blog about bicycles. You didn't just drop in here to find out about my motor history. But I'm telling you because I'm pretty flipping excited - ahead of us emigrating, we've put our car on eBay. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I'm about the be car free.

I'm not anti-car, but I'm pro-bike. And I'm pretty sure I'm not going to own another car for a long time - if ever. I'm going to be fucking up the world enough as it is with flights from GVA to LDN and INN, so I don't need a car to add to that guilt.

But it's also got me thinking, because heck I'm in the market for a new bike (ahem, I am ALWAYS in the market for a new bike), but what are the ethics of buying new or paying a used bike? Which is more environmentally friendly? And how long will it take to cycle off your new purchase in terms of carbon footprint?

But let's be honest, I'm not going to delve too fair into this at the moment... Dawes have just released this little flat bar tourer and it will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine.

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