20 Dec 2013

Friday Round Up... The Joy of Boris Bikes, and the Supidity of Swarovski

Yesterday I got told by my physio to hold up with the bike riding for a bit, unless it's on a Boris Style bike, and then only for 20mins at a stretch. #Stupidnerveinneck. 

It was a sad day. 

And then I found that a Boris Bike had turned up in the The Gambia, and that was more than enough to put a smile on my face. Sure, they've not made it as far out as New Cross and Deptford yet, but some dude in The Gambia got one. 

Then things got even stranger. Some people took a Boris Bike up Mont Ventoux, a climb in the Tour De France that has ACTUALLY killed a guy. So sure, yeah, take a 3 speed, 18kg behemoth up there why don't you?!

The world is awesome.

Until someone slaps you in the face with 600 Swarovski crystals and bunch of 24 carat gold. Because bikes were made to be hung on the wall, and never let out of your sight... douchbags. And it doesn't even have any brakes which makes it a bit circa 2011 when everyone was all up for the fixie death skids, not just the hardcore contingent.

I give that approximately 0.011sec outside your house before it's nicked and all you have are two flacid D-locks to remember it by...

Anyway, that's it for today. Stop reading, and go ride your bike. 

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