27 Nov 2013

Safeside/Suicide Lorry Signs - road safety written in dirt

Yesterday I drove down to see my nieces in the South of England, taking in all the joys of the A2, M25, and M23. Argh, these roads are the pits. No wonder people don't make road movies about England. No one wants to pay to see a film that consists of me eating a Walnut Whip, listening to Radio 4, in traffic outside Clacket Lane services. Change Walnut Whip to pistol whip, and heck, Hollywood might call, but it's still a long shot.

Anyway, before getting on the big roads, I followed a rather interesting lorry over Blackheath. Now I'm immune to the cycle safety signs I see on buses and lorries. This is usually because they are TINY, compared with the vehicle they are on, or the advert they are positioned next to. Often they are also layered with road crud, and I can/can't see s**t.

So this lorry was interesting because someone had put some really good dirt graffiti on the back of it. Pointing to the right, they had written "SAFESIDE", and pointing to the left it read "SUICIDE". I found a similar bit of graffiti online, and I've helpfully mocked it up for both US and UK drivers...

The US version...

...and for the UK peeps

I think it's pretty effective. Albeit, it's got a pretty small shelf life before we've seen it and learnt to phase it out on our daily trips about town, but whatyougoingtodo.

In other news hi-vis isn't effective, police are stupid, and I'm stocking up to be able to cycle through the winter in Switzerland...

Anyway, I'm off for a bike ride/graffiti session now. Toodle pip.

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