28 Oct 2013

Bicycle Portraits, South Africa and the start of an adventure!

I've not updated for a while as I have been on holiday in South Africa. It was amazing, full of good food, amazing scenery and really friendly people. We roadtripped a lot of our travels, from Cape Town along the Garden Route to Addo, then down the N62 back to Stellenbosch. It was incredible and has made me want to return, especially to the wilds of the Karoo.

If you don't know where these places are, you should seriously click on the links above. It's a truly beautiful country. For example, this is the Karoo...

Whilst in the small little town of Prince Albert, deep in the middle of nowhere, my wife and I found a lovely little gallery, and in that gallery we found three lovely little books. They are called Bicycle Portraits, and document the bikes and riders of South Africa. A bit more investigation on our return, and I've found that these are an old Kickstarter project from a couple of years ago. You might have missed it too, but you can still get the books here, and for what it is worth I can't recommend them highly enough.

In one of the books there is a chap with a bicycle, complete with car steering will. He was from Prince Albert, and sadly passed a few weeks before our visit. He has however spurred me on to, rather stupidly, put a steering wheel on one of my bikes. Why? Because it might be the solution to the bicycle car I've always dreamed off (see earlier posts), and because it reminds me of the simple fact that riding should be fun and accessible. Whatever bike you have, ride.

And finally, the adventure I allude to in the title, well that will hopefully be N62 next year. Does anyone out there want to ride it with me?

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