15 Oct 2012

Bamboo and PVC Pipe Bike Trailer Plans

So I’ve been working up some plans for a trailer this weekend, and it’s important to note that there are already a few great designs out there. This post will direct you to my two favorites.

I had dismissed the idea of building my own trailer a few years back, just because of the hitch. I’d found it really hard to find something that I was happy with including in my design, and that wouldn’t break the bank. It turns out that a few people have come up with good DIY suggestions; my favorite is here.

Whilst continuing with my research for the trailer I came across a really nice Scottish company – Carry Freedom. Not only do they produce a hitch which is affordable, easy to fit, and according to their website very durable (link is here), they also provide free plans for a bamboo trailer (link is here).

These plans operate on a donation only system, so if you do want to take a peek then give what you can. Also maybe consider buying your hitch from them – I will be in the near future as it looks great.

Alternatively if you can’t give anything other than an internet connection then take a look a this wonderful PVC pipe trailer on Instructables.

I am finalising a design which is going to take elements from both the bamboo trailer and the Instructables one. Once I’ve got a design that I am happy with I will put it up here for everyone to take a look at.

I’ll keep you posted on progress.

The Carry Freedom bamboo trailer.

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