23 Feb 2015

Tiny Adventure - Snowshoe Walking in Megève

I don't like the idea of skiing. I'll be honest, I've tried it once and it terrified me. I also don't really understand a sport that involves the use of lifts. I prefer things that I can complete under my own steam, and that don't involve tiny enclosed spaces dangling precariously from string. 

With that said I still like the odd toddle up a mountain. And one thing to try if you don't like snowboarding or skiing is the joyous pursuit of snowshoe walking. 

This weekend we headed into the mountains around Megève and took on a circular walk near the resort of Cuchet

Snowshoe walking is rather brilliant. Firstly, it's a lovely way to get out and enjoy nature with little investment. Renting the raquettes costs very little, or alternatively we picked ours up at Lidl. True story, under 100chf for two pairs. Secondly, it is a blooming good work out. Our route saw us climb over 300m in altitude, walk almost 8km, and earn us a vin chaud and carb heavy post walk dinner. Thirdly, you stumble upon amazing views, old abandoned chalets and the odd dog in a jumper - all fantastic perks of getting up the mountain. 

But the best thing for me is that there is little chance of injury. I can just strap on my snowshoes and head out into the snow knowing I'm likely to come back with my ACL intact, and honestly I can't say the same for skiing. 

For more details of snowshoe routes in and around Megève, take a look here

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