16 Feb 2014

Olympic Appreciation in Ouchy

Sadly, not every weekend includes a bike ride. Some weekends involve wandering road a town called "Ouchy", eating shed loads of crépes, and drinking a selection of grappa, Swiss wine and local beer - twas the anniversary after all. 

Anyway, despite the good lady wife's attempt at having my full attention on her, we stumbled upon some cycling gold whilst out and about. 

We nipped into the Olympic Museum in Lausanne for a quick look, and almost four hours later we sauntered out, having swatted up on all things Olympic. 

The highlights, undoubtably, were Chris Hoy's cycle suit from London 2012 and Chris Boardman's Lotus bike (albeit a replica) from Barcelona 1992.

Ah, Switzerland, spiritual home of the Olympics and rather natty collector of Olympiana... I salute thee. Thanks for a smashing weekend.

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