27 Feb 2014

Left of the Lake - cycling around Lake Geneva in the summer

I live right by Lake Geneva or Lac Léman as it's known locally. Really close. Like I can see it from my bedroom window close. And because it's there and I like bikes, I am planning to ride around it this summer, as a 30th birthday present to myself.

The view from my balcony. The lake looks a little grey today.

In total it's about 130km on designated cycle paths, through vineyards, along beaches, and past mountains - it plans on being pretty flipping awesome.

There is already a sportif that makes use of the route, but where is the fun in cycling so fast you can't see the scenery? Bike touring, for me, is about being in the moment, getting to smell and see and hear your way through a country. You can feel the sun, the wind, and sometimes the rain - but that is awesome. Cars have their place but you miss so much when you zoom through a country at 100mph. 

Anyway, on the first Saturday of August, which this year is the 2nd, I will be taking my time to circumnavigate the lake. It would be awesome if you would like to join me. I will be bringing birthday cake. 

Where the Rhône meets the Lac; aka Start/Finish line

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