19 Jan 2014

Union 34 - cycle clothing for people who favour comfort over speed...

So here is the thing, besides my collection of cycle jerseys, I don't wear a lot of cycle specific clothing. There are many reasons for this. These include, but are not limited to, the following -
  1. I don't like pink, purple or diamanté details on the cycle gear I buy - and that's 90% of the female range out then...
  2. I have hips. And tits. Funny that, being a girl and all. But you see most cycle brands haven't caught onto that yet and all the jerseys and jackets are loose where they should be snug, snug where they should be loose, and just bat shit crazy with butterfly detailing... 
  3. Oh, and I'm pretty tall too. Great if you are a track cyclist, but out of the question if you're just a lowly blogger cycle commuter. 
  4. And finally, I just can't justify spending fifty quid on a bit of Lycra. Honestly, shorts cannot cost that much in my world. It's a rule.
Anyway, so as a result of being cheap I scan the sales this time of year for none-lady colour, hip swinging, lanky clothing, and this year I stumbled upon a beautiful brand - Union 34. Naturally, I ordered the most plain jumper I could find. It looks like this...

Basically Union 34 is DIVINE. And I'm not just saying that as a shameless plug (because I then went on to order the whole range)... I'm saying it because this stuff is awesome. Warm jerseys that fit over lady bumps without detracting from the shiny bike you are riding, simple additions of reflectors and pockets to assist in the car repelling/puncture kit carrying needed for urban cycling, and the general military inspired palette which screams "I could be in the TA but really I am wearing this because I, unlike you fellow cyclist, realise green stands out better than hi-vis in Central London... Yeah, lack of trees, who knew?!"

Anyway, that's all this post has to offer. Union 34 are awesome. Even more so in the sale.

Now go ride bikes you snazzy bugger...

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