9 Nov 2013

The Invisible Bike Helmet - amazing Swedish design, but what about your face?!

I've seen articles about the invisible bicycle helmet, trending all over Facebook these past couple of days. And I'm pretty impressed. The basic idea is that you wear a snood around your neck, which contains an inflatable helmet. In the instance of an accident, as if by magic, this helmet inflates and protect your head in a large, snuggly cocoon.

Now don't get me wrong, I like this. It would be nice to have a solution to hat hair, but I am worried about the protection you get. Sure, if you fall and wallop your head on the pavement, this would be ace, but what if you bounce, or get driven over? I've seen images over the years of cracked helmets where riders have actually been driven over, and survived. I really wonder about the structural integrity of this design and I'd like to see more about that.

Ultimately this will get people thinking about the importance of helmets in some instances. I think, in some cycling, they are essential. Only in some. The idea of a compulsory helmet law will put people off cycling, because how dangerous is it riding a little shopper bike to Sainsbo's?

But mostly I am impressed about the two women who invented this airbag for cyclists, who were told they needed a male CEO, but ignored that advice, who carried it through to the end, and can now see their designs being sold across Europe. These ladies are pretty cool.

If you don't believe me, you should check out the video here.

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