9 Oct 2012

The beginning...

For as long as I can remember I have been slightly obsessed with having a bicycle car. In this case I define a bicycle car as a four wheel bike (or quadricycle if you want to get all fancy) which I can peddle around and be happy in. It should look like a car, but operate like a bicycle.  

I think this all started way back on a holiday in France when my family rented out a two seater quadricycle. I have a memory of being in the kid’s seat at the front, and being a bit pissed that I wasn’t allowed to peddle. I am assuming my legs were too tiny at this point.

A couple of years later I had grown enough (as had the extended family) to rent out a 9-seater quadricycle. I was officially living the dream.

Although I have no pictures of this monumentous event, I have had it confirmed by my mother that it actually happened. Me, my brother, father, mother, aunt, uncle and three cousins peddled around St Giles in France for what might have been an hour. It had a lasting impression.

Since then I have wanted my own bicycle car, but unlike those ones from holidays gone by it needs to look like a car and drive like a car. Steering wheel, brakes, hell even a sun roof if I can make that happen.

So why now? Although this has been about twenty years in the making the sudden need to get this up and going is prompted by a sad event. One Sunday in September 2012 I went to my garage and realised that Rufus was missing. Rufus, my beloved touring bike, friend for an estimated 3000miles, and companion on Lands End to John O Groats had been stolen.

Rufus can’t really be replaced, but I still need a primary mode of transport. Anything but a bike…

Happy Rufus and me on the start of LEJOG

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