12 Feb 2014

Geneva to Céligny - a lovely afternoon cycle along Lac Leman

So, if you've read the previous post then you'll now I have a new bike. If not, check it out here. Today was the first opportunity to head out with Silber and get some experience of the Swiss cycle routes. 

I left town, past the botanical gardens (complete with "country smell") and onwards towards the first suburb of Geneva - Bellevue

What was evident straight away is that the Swiss have their shit together when it comes to cycle paths. Admitedly I was cycling along the famed Route du Rhône - 350km of lovely cycle route through some spectacular scenery - but still, the cycle path was amazing. 

The path runs along the road, drops down to avoid the major interchanges by taking you to a safe spot to cross, and then plonks you back where you want to be. It largely consists of raised pavement, and occasionally it is a generous marked path on the road. 

Unlike UK cycle paths, it doesn't take a percentage of the width of the lane, forcing drivers to consider running you off the road just to get home in time for Come Dine With Me ("Das Perfekte Dinner" or "Un Dîner Preque Parfait" dependant on what side of Switzerland you live on). No, instead the road is wide enough for both your happy little cycle path, and for the drivers. There is no fear of being squashed as they overtake, and no worries about going slow up the hills. 

And no sooner have you finished musing on how nice the road is, then you're whizzed back onto a separate raised pavement and sharing the road is a distant memory. 

Anyway, I digress. Bellevue to Versoix, is a lovely little stretch, with lots of time to stare at people's houses by the lake. There is some massive cash going on here, and most of the shore is taken up by private residences. However, there are some nice public beaches and the odd park bench where you can sit, and enjoy the awesome scenery. 

From Versoix it's a pretty nice stretch through Tannay and Coppet, both lovely little villages with a few bars, cafes and restaurants to boot. It's also worth mentioning that there is a bike shop in Versoix. 

I then travelled past some nice vineyards (Swiss wine is a little known gem), and onto Céligny where I found the most spectacular public beach with a gorgeous view out over Lac Leman. 

The vineyards in Spring
Céligny beach
I took the same route riding back, because I stupidly realised I'd not brought my wallet or my passport, and I feared that any wrong turn might end me up in France. On the plus side though, riding the same route meant I managed to notice the things that I'd not seen on the way there, namely amazing signposts and a sign congratulating a bloke called Stan...

Typical signposts like this line the route

Anyway, here is a map of the route. I hope it inspires you to come to the region and check out the cycle paths (they really are amazing). 

All in all, a 35km round trip
Now go ride bicycles and find yourself a lovely view...

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