10 Oct 2012

Free Quadricycle Plans...

So my first stop on this quest to build a quadricycle was to find some plans. I thought the internet would be a wonderful place to find them, full of people who have learnt the hard way about the perils of steering or the wrong type of frame.

I was wrong.

I did find this nice chap here, who built a rather snazzy up to date version of the MochetVelcocar. His website is pretty interesting and informative, but he doesn’t answer emails. Looking more closely at his vehicle he also seems a bit of engineering genius. He’s clearly good at welding and construction, and so maybe I would be punching above my weight in attempting something similar, however beautiful the result.

Whilst looking longingly at his video on Youtube, I clicked on one of the links to the side and found this beast. This basically eradicates the issue for any welding by using PVC pipes. It’s likely to be cheaper and easier to construct. And guess what the plans are here on what must be the most spectacularly out of date website on the whole internet. I mean honestly, animated Word Art! But guess what, they are not free either.

Now whilst I am not averse to paying American Speedster for some plans, they don’t ship to Europe and I’m based in London, UK. That’s a bit of an issue.  

There is nothing for it. I am going to attempt to build a PVC pipe car, with a bit of help from Youtube and a friendly engineering friend who has been unwittingly roped in for the ride. And I am going to put every stage of the construction up on the internet so future quadricycle owners can have some nice free plans, along with advice and some anecdotes to boot. Bargain!  

One day... I hope...