14 Nov 2013

Another cyclists dies in London; five deaths in nine days...

I woke up feeling more positive about cycling this morning. With 1000 people turning up to the Bow protest last night, it shows that although terrible news, people are starting to get mad. And more people need to get angry in order to change things. The number of deaths in such a short time is unprecedented, so the rest of London has to be made aware and take notice.

So yes, positive that we can change the situation, until I read the BBC's website first thing and find out that another cyclist was killed last night. Where? Cycle Superhighway 2, in East London.

It is shocking that this is the fifth death on the Capital's roads, in just nine days. That's five families who won't be having a jolly old time in six weeks when Christmas rolls round. Five families that are going to be missing someone from here on out. And why? Essentially because a bit of blue paint on the floor does not provide adequate protection from a bus or a lorry, or even a car. 

Cycling should not be deadly. You should not run the risk of severe injury just because you don't want the boredom of the Tube, or the annoyance of waiting for the bus, or the prison of your own car. Cycling is an efficient, friendly, and healthy way to get around town, but it isn't at the moment. 

If you are angry, and want to change it, then vote with your wheels, with your words and with your voice. Keep cycling, write to your MP, to Boris Johnson, and keep demanding Space for Cycling

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