6 Nov 2013

Another cyclist death in London - we need to ban lorries in London

Sadly another cyclist died yesterday, on the Mile End Road. He was hit by a lorry, at lights. And if that sounds familiar then there is good reason - he was the ninth road death in London this year, and the seventh to be hit by a lorry. He was also the third to be killed on that stretch of 'Cycle Super Highway'.

I am not a town planner, nor am I expert in transport, but it is very obvious that a bit of blue paint does not constitute a safe cycle route. They are badly designed, and not observed by other road users. In a lot of cases they inextricably stop, are parked on by cars and buses, or a just a small proportion of a shared bus route. They aren't fit for purpose. And, added to that lorry design either has to change in order to elimate blindspots, or (and this is preferable to me) they need to be banned from areas where they mix with cyclists. 

This needs to change now, because hours later another cyclist was left fitting for his life. We can't just let people run the risk of dying on the way around town.

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